

  •  General
  1. Any action which prejudices the integrity of the General Studies examinations should be considered to be an examination misconduct and will be punishable by appropriate disciplinary action as stipulated in the General and Academic Regulations.


2 . With respect to all proceedings under the university’s rules and regulations relating to academic discipline, each student will be presumed innocent until the contrary has been established.

  • Academic Misconduct and their penalties
A A Nature of Offence Penalty
I Impersonation Suspension of students : 2 years
Ii Forged receipt(s)


iii Unauthorized handling of examination questions Suspension for two (2) yrs.

Expulsion at a repeat of the Same offences


Iv Collaborative copying Suspension for two (2) yrs.

Expulsion at a repeat the same offence.

V Exchange of answer booklets/written material Suspension for three (3) years.

Expulsion at a repeat of the same offence.

vi Refusal to handover suspected/incriminating material. Suspension for three (3) years.

Expulsion at a repeat of the same offence.

vii Destruction of suspected/incriminating material Expulsion
viii Mutilation of or use of fake/false registration number. Suspension for three (5) years.
Ix Assault or fighting an invigilator Expulsion
X Presentation of false identity card Suspension for three (5) years.
xi Possession of unauthorized material relevant to the examination hall. Suspension for three (5) years.
xii Smuggling of question paper out of the examination hall. Suspension for three (5) years.
xiii Smuggling of answer script into the examination hall. Suspension for three (5) years.
xiv Conviction in two or more misconduct offences. Add one year for each offence up to a maximum of four (4) years, thereafter expulsion.
xv Conviction in three (3) or more misconduct offences. Add one year for each offence up to a maximum of four (4) years, thereafter expulsion.
xvi Refusal to appear before a panel after three (3) invitations. Expulsion.
xvii Refusal to sign examination misconduct form. Suspension for one (1) year.



  1. Chief Invigilators should use their discretion in the handling of any cases of misconduct by candidates, but will assemble all facts and unauthorized material pertaining to the alleged misconduct. These may include papers, books, statements from witnesses and other materials which have been or suspected to been used for the misconduct. The Chief invigilator should obtain a written confirmation from the Candidate that these materials either belong to him or were brought to the examination hall with his knowledge. The Chief Invigilator will then submit a written report together with all relevant documentary evidence in the incident to the director.


  1. The Chief Examiner will forward the report with his own comments to the appropriate office for onward transmission to University’s Committee of Examination Misconduct and Discipline.


  1. The Committee on completion of its investigation will submit to the Senate


  1. The decision of the Senator on the recommendations of Examination Misconduct Committee will be conveyed to the student by the Registrar. As much as possible the disciplinary action should be conveyed to the student concerned not later than the middle of the semester following the one in which the misconduct occurred.



The Committee on Examination Misconduct and Discipline may recommend one or more of the following disciplinary actions.

  1. Reprimand

This will be in the nature of warning to the student that his/her behaviour has been unacceptable to the university and that any further behaviour of this sort will lead to a stiffer penalty.

  1. Submission of a failing grade in an examination test, assignment, or course, or where applicable, in a term. A failing grade in course or term will remain part of the student’s permanent record.
  1. Suspension

A Student may be suspended from the university for a period which will not exceed three years. While suspended, a student may not register in the university for any General Studies Course and will lose the right to attend lectures, write examinations and receive remuneration from the university Source. Notice of a suspension will also be placed in the student record. The student will be eligible for reinstatement to full academic status and the notice of suspension will be removed from the student’s permanent record.