- Examination Questions
1. Individual lecturers should submit relevant draft questions to their coordinators. The coordinators may amend or substitute questions as they deem necessary. Examination questions should be sealed and submitted to the Director not later than one month before the stipulated date for such examinations.
2. Questions for the examinations must be within the approved syllabus for the examination. The manuscript should normally be endorsed by the individual coordinator directly concerned.
3. The Chief Examiners (Co-ordinators of GST Courses) are responsible for the correctness of questions and must therefore, exercise great care in their preparation.
4. Punctuality is mandatory. All invigilators MUST get to their examination venues early in order to control the entrance of candidates into the digital library. Every candidate MUST present his or her University and GST identity cards at the door.
Ten minutes after the examination has started, invigilators should check the individual candidates to ensure that the names and registration number on their identity cards are the same as the one on the computer screen and that the photographs on the cards arc true representations of the candidates.
This procedure, and any other, as may be made available during the examination, must be followed strictly to ensure a hitch-free examination.
1. At least four weeks before the examination period, a preliminary timetable, should be prepared by the University Timetable Committee and communicated to all concerned. Conflicts should be reported to the Director immediately and by a specified date, after this date. After this date, no change will be made except by the approval of the University management. A final timetable will be prepared, circulated and posted approximately two weeks prior to the examination period.
2. Copies of examination schedule indicating when each student will present himself/herself for the examination are usually sent to the departments and are also pasted at the School of General Studies as well as the School portal.
Any person that misses his/her schedule will not be allowed to take examination.
1. In order to be permitted to sit for any General Studies examination, candidates should normally be expected to attend a minimum of 75% of the lectures and classes for the General Studies’ courses in which they are registered.
2. Candidates must be present and punctual too, at the times assigned for their papers, and must be ready to be admitted into examination halls thirty minutes before the exact times or the commencement of the examinations. Candidates should not be permitted in any circumstances to enter the examination hall(s) more than ten minutes after the time Stipulated for the commencement of the examination. Candidates arriving more than 10 minutes after the examination has started will be admitted only at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator. Those arriving 30 minutes after the examinations have started, will NOT be allowed into the hall.
3. Similarly, except with the special permission of the Chief Invigilator, candidates may not leave the examination hall during the first hour or at least last 4 of an hour of the examination.
4. Candidates must bring with them their GST ID Cards/Registration printout and their Passwords, as well their university ID Cards.
5. While the examination is in progress, communication between candidates is strictly forbidden, and any candidate found to be giving or receiving irregular assistance may be required to fill the examinations misconduct form.
6. Silence must be observed in the examination halls. The normal way of attracting the attention of the invigilator is by the candidate raising his or her hand.
7. Dress code students are not allowed to west skimpy/rags to examinations.
1. Handsets are strictly NOT allowed in the examination hall.
2. Wrist watches of all types are strictly not allowed in the examination halls.
3. Candidates must come with proper identification. They must hold the GST Identity cards.
4. No smoking and eating of anything will be allowed in the examination halls.
5. For the whole period of the examination, a university medical officer will be on call for the purpose of attending to candidates when necessary.
6. Arrangement will be made to provide first-aid box with easy access to each examination hall. Each coordinator will also arrange to have a vehicle available during the examination period to convey candidates to the Health Centre for medical treatment if and when necessary.
7. In each hall there will be no less than three invigilators for between 50 and 100 candidates. One of the invigilators should be designated as the Chief Invigilator
8. Invigilators should normally be appointed from among the lecturers of GST courses.
9. It is the duty of the invigilators to exercise constant and vigilant Supervision over the candidates. Chief Invigilators should use their discretion in the handling of any cases of misconduct by candidates; but will send a report on each case to the Director immediately on the completion of the paper in which the act of misconduct took place.
10. While the examination is in progress, no unauthorized person should be allowed to enter the hall.
11. The time stipulated for each examination as indicated in the timetable will, as much as possible, be adhered to.
12. No candidate may leave the examination hall except where it is absolutely necessary and then only provided that an attendant accompanies him.
13. Students are NOT allowed to take examination(s) outside the stipulated day, time and venue specific to them and for their departments.
14. Silence must be maintained throughout the examination period by both the invigilator and candidates.
15. Invigilators must warn candidates of time, twenty minutes and five minutes before the close of the examination.
16. Carefree and indecent dresses are NOT allowed into the examination halls.