Deputy Director’s Profile (Agulu/Nnewi Campuses)


Dr. Darlington Nnamdi Onyejike

Deputy Director Nnewi campus, School of General Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University


Dr. Darlington Nnamdi Onyejike is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Anatomy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi campus, Nigeria. He was recently appointed the Deputy Director Nnewi campus, School of General Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University. He is an academic representative-elect of the College Board of College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University. He has served in numerous University, Faculty and Departmental committees of Nnamdi Azikiwe University.


Dr Onyejike just concluded his one-year appointment as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Clinical Department of Forensic Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He obtained his doctoral degree in Forensic Anatomy at the Department of Anatomical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria; an MBA Management degree from University of Nicosia, Cyprus; an MSc degree in Morbid Anatomy from Nnamdi Azikiwe University; and a BSc degree in Anatomy from Anambra State University (now known as Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University). He holds professional certificates in Modern Embalming Science and General Mortuary Practice.


Dr Darlington Onyejike is a reviewer and editor for several peer reviewed journals; and has authored over 30 high impact original research articles indexed in SCOPUS, AJOL, Web of Science, Crossref, PMC and Google scholar; and has supervised several research projects in both undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has carried out much research in Forensic taphonomy, pharmacognosy, herbal medicine, kinanthropometry, and specialist embalming. He has played significant roles in the advancement of Forensic science research in Nigeria. He led the team that carried out one of the foremost research projects in Forensic taphonomy (Postmortem Interval Estimations - PMI) in Nigeria and published some of the foremost articles on PMI estimation in Sub-Saharan Africa. His current research is on Post-mortem interval estimation of dismembered porcine models in Durban region, KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa.


Dr Onyejike has an outstanding record in teaching, research and career mentorship. He has contributed tremendously to different aspects of life which have earned him numerous awards and accolades. He has attended so many national and international conferences and workshops and has also served as a guest speaker at various conferences and workshops. He has won several research and conference travel grants. He is an active member of professional societies such as Society of Experimental and Clinical Anatomists of Nigeria (SECAN) and the Anatomical Society of Nigeria (ASN). He is also a postdoctoral member of the American Association for Anatomy (AAA); and an associate member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).


Research Interests

Forensic Taphonomy; Forensic Anthropology; Herbal Medicine; Kinanthropometry; Morbid Anatomy; Pharmacognosy; and Specialist Embalming.