Director’s Welcome Message



Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. On behalf of the entire Management and staff of School of General Studies (SGS), I would like to welcome you.

The world has become a global village. This implies that information now gets shared easily hence everyone is expected to know a little about everything. This is the raison detre for liberal education; the reason why the National Universities Commission (NUC) introduced General Studies as required courses for all students in Nigerian universities. General Studies is therefore supposed to expose the students to all branches of knowledge hence a student studying Linguistics, Theatre Arts or Philosophy may know a little about Chemistry, Political Science or Physiology. You will therefore be exposed to the basics of various disciplines. This is intended to make you a rounded human being! Take note that a pass grade in all General Studies courses is a necessary condition for graduating from any course in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

The School of General Studies is located on the stretch between the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and the UNIZIK Business School. The School is made up of the Director’s Office, General Admin, Exams, Finance, Publications and Registration Units. Since inception, the School has been mutating towards ensuring quality service to the students. In line with Project 200, the School of General Studies is embracing Technology in its operations and soon, we hope that curriculum delivery will be wholly technology mediated.

The University is a world of its own so you are advised to be at your best behaviour. Plan your time and life religiously. The University runs the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system so every exam you write is a degree exam. Avoid bad company and undue peer pressure. Success must always follow hard work hence you are encouraged to study hard and utilize your leisure periods in productive engagements. The Nnamdi Azikiwe University’s School of General Studies’ Website ( will guide you through the process of registration; acquisition of ID cards; practice your CBT, access your results and obtain necessary information about the School.

The School of General Studies maintains an array of highly qualified and competent lecturers. They are there for your benefit. Please consult them anytime you encounter any difficulty. The School has been conducting its exams since 2015 through Computer Based Test (CBT). You are advised to become very at home with the computer as the world is now technology driven. You will find in this Handbook, information on officers of the School, Lecturers, registration of GS courses as well as code of conduct for exams and exam misconduct. We are hoping that soon, a General Studies course on Peace, Conflict Studies and Alternative Dispute Resolution will come on stream. We will keep innovating to keep you up to date with emerging trends on knowledge production and curriculum delivery.

May I inform you that the School of General Studies equally gives you the opportunity to access an online course on International Communication Skills. This is a golden opportunity for interested students! The course is structured to run in two levels – Communication Skills 1 and Communication Skills 11. Each module will cost five thousand naira, (N5000.00) only. The courses are to be accessed through this website We thank the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Charles Okechukwu Esimone, FAS, and Prof Klaus Stierstorfer for this rare opportunity of providing us the platform for International Certification on Communication Skills. Our email address is [email protected]. You can reach us on 08130529740.

We welcome you warmly to the University of the moment – Nnamdi Azikiwe University and wish you a memorable stay.

Prof. Alex Chinwuba Asigbo, fsonta, facls, fcai, mnal Director, School of General Studies (SGS)

Alex Chinwuba Asigbo is a Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

  • He’s an Actor Trainer, Playwright, Director and Culture Consultant.
  • He was Dean, Faculty of Arts, 2012-2014; Director, Centre for Arts, Culture and Humanities, 2014-2019.
  • Director, TETFUND, 2016-2019;